Green Energy

Indal, in terms of innovation, environmental protection and livestock, made its GREEN CHOICE by inserting it in a very articulated strategic path.

The photovoltaic system is installed on the roof of buildings and cattle stables, and allows, every year, a power production of about 1.4 million kWh, reducing emissions into the atmosphere.

These systems have, among others, the advantage of reducing the temperature inside the production areas during the summer season, because they minimize the absorption of solar energy by improving the welfare of the animals on the farm and optimizing meat refrigeration systems.

The construction of biogas plants contributes significantly to the increased production of energy from renewable, “clean” sources, thus reducing the production of energy from fossil fuels, which, as we know, has high greenhouse-gas emissions. The electricity produced from biogas has, in fact,a zero CO2 balance, since the carbon dioxide emitted in the exhaust gas is equal to that absorbed by the energy crop during its growth. More generally, this kind of technology contributes to the reduction of greenhouse atmospheric gases (using towel covers also avoids methane leakage).

It is an integrated process in farming, which presents a series of energy, environmental and agricultural advantages, summarized as follows:

  • Energy production using livestock manure with a global reduction of CO2 emissions
  • Improving the economic viability of the farm
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Improvement of fertilizer product quality
  • Economic recycling of wastewater with a positive effect on the environmental impact
  • Minor olfactory pollution and reduction of the presence of insects caused by putrescible material storage (improvement of hygienic and sanitary conditions of the company).